Monday, June 14, 2010

The Finer Things in Life - BBBC 2010 #2

Today is Day 2 of the Big Bad Blogger Challenge 2010!

The weekend was filled with good times and bad, but today starts a new week. Let's hope it's filled with tons of awesomeness!

A lot of times we vent about the things that trouble us, make us sad, frustrate & anger us, basically all the negative crap. I myself since I was little have always had a tough time but I got through it by being positive and hopeful. Being disabled, those 2 things can get you through a ton! So in keeping with today's question for the challenge I am going to list 3 positive things going on in my SL.

1. I have great friends that are there for me and truly do care about me. We can take pictures, sit & stare, build for fun, vent about things or just sit and chat! I even have a twin (personality wise) who adopted a little child av, so I am an aunty too!

2. I have a place to call home, it is my calming place. It is surrounded by other beautiful parts of the island where my friends have decorated their homes.

3. I can sit there not really thinking of anything and all of a sudden ideas just come to me. I have always been creative, a total ideas kinda girl but it happens a lot in SL. I can decorate in so many ways, & sometimes get to help content creators with my ideas. Its a wonderful feeling.

Every once in awhile take a moment to think of a positive thing going on. Be it in RL or SL, among all the crap we go through there is always something good. Someone out there will always be worse off than you are sadly, so let's be thankful for what we have. <3

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